100% Satisfaction Guarantee*

If for any reason you are not happy, call us within 72 hours of your carpet cleaning and we’ll come back to re-clean your area. If you’re still not happy, we will refund your money.

100% Guarantee

12 Months Protection Warranty

Our “12 Months Protection Warranty” is given to every customer who has Scotchguard Protector applied to their carpet and upholstery after cleaning.

If within 12 months, a stain occurs on your carpeting or upholstery that cannot be removed according to our procedures we will gladly refund the amount you paid for the protection.

Scotchguard 3M

* Rental properties, animal markings and animal odors are not covered under our guarantee.

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© Copyright 2020 – Castle to Condo 


P.O. Box 353114, Palm Coast, FL 32135

(386) 693-6502